Vidanne Therapy Tools and Methods

Biodynamic Psychotherapy
Biodynamic Psychotherapy is a form of Neo-Reichian body psychotherapy that uses, in addition to verbal elaboration, a set of therapeutic tools specific to this approach. The work developed by Gerda Boyesen allows for a unique clinical intervention, based on fundamental theoretical concepts, such as: – friendship with the resistance; – self-regulation and psychoperistalsis.
Dealing with touch, with closeness and distance, with letting go and devotion, but also with setting oneself apart are topics that can be explored in the biodynamic body treatment. However, the most important thing that biodynamic body treatment can achieve is finding a safe home within yourself and trusting yourself and your own body and feelings.

Hatmara-Merkava (Hebrew) is a life-philosophy, a movement of cosmic consciousness, open to everybody to make positive changes in life. Hatmara = transformation; Merkava = to complete, transport.
Based on Orgonomy, developed by Dr. Wilhelm Reich and on Biorgonomy, from the israeli scientist Raffi Rosen, this “Way of The Tree of Life” was and continues to be channeled and developed by my teacher and friend Naomi Imber Feinberg.
I started to study with Naomi in 2004. I later became a teacher of the Hatmara-merkava method and gave some seminars in Portugal, Italy and Germany. The complexity of “The Way of the Tree of Life” is as huge and vast as the divine creation…infinite.
The spiritual approach of life-energy and how to activate the energy in physical, emotional and mental levels, gave me a deeper understanding in all my studies of the body oriented psychotherapy such as Biodynamic Psychology (Gerda Boyesen), Vegetotherapy (Wilhelm Reich) and Orgonomy.

Flower Remedies
I offer individual compositions of flower remedies by radiesthesia (blinking) reading.
Bottle 25 ml.:20€
(apart from the session value, to be discussed)
The flower remedy therapy is part of what is called vibrational therapy, which acts holistically on all dimensions of the being. Flower remedies get absorbed by the energetic lines throughout the body, the aura or the etheric body- you might call it as you prefer- part of all living beings. Each bottle is a bouquet, a personal composition, individually ordered through radiestethic reading by the therapist on the energetic field of the patient.
Flower remedies can be taken at any age and do not interfere with other treatments or medication; they do not have any biological or chemical particles in their composition. That is to say they are the purest etheric infusion of the “soul of the plant” and act on the soul of the living being taken care of.
The line “Terra luz.a” is part of the 3rd flower generation line (1st were the Original Bach Flowers, 2nd the Californians and Australians, from the seventies and eighties) and it’s 64 essences and compositions were all sintonised in the Alentejo, between the Arriba Fóssil da Galé and the Southwest, as in a organic farm near Cercal.
Working with the 4 ages of humankind, their vibration of healing and harmonizing flows and resonates very well with the population of our region, through an energetic, vibrational recognition.
Some of these flower remedies are essences which were synthesized for the first time in the Costa Alentejana region, (even there are not exclusive from Alentejo as with global climate change some plants are growing in diverse areas).

Experimental Session
Scale 50-70€

3 Month Therapy 6-8 sessions
60 € each
6 sessions: 10% off 324€ plus 2 calls
8 sessions: 15% off 408€

6 month Therapy 12-16 sessions
60 € each
12 sessions: 10% off 648 € plus 2 calls
16 sessions: 15%off 816€

Rate payment is possible (if you have financial difficulties please contact me).
Extra sessions and phone calls longer than 10 minutes will be charged.
If needed, some sessions can be done online.